
Love Every Jew

Love that Knows No Barriers

Circa 1942
Rabbi Dovid Edelman was a student at 770 during the 1940’s

Once I was standing with a few yeshiva students in the hallway of 770, the elevator opens up, and the Rebbe comes out. He comes over and tells us what went on upstairs between him and his father-in-law, the Previous Rebbe.

He says, “I was by the Rebbe, and I asked him if I am doing right. What is the question?” The Rebbe said that he said to his father-in-law, “I have an office here in the Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and all kinds of people come in to see me – some very religious people, some not so religious people . . but I greet everyone friendly… Am I doing right? - Because some people who come in are very far away from Torah and Mitzvos, and I don’t say anything to them there about it; maybe they think it’s not so wrong…

"My father-in-law said to me: ‘it is in the nature that God created in a father and a mother that no matter how many children they have, they have enough love for all their children. That is the way God created the world. But if among a family one child has a problem with a hand or a let – he can’t move them – to that child the parents have a special love, a special closeness, because he’s lacking.

"So if a Jew comes in to your office that observes all the Mitzvos – you take him in wholeheartedly, a precious Jew. But suppose a Jew comes in to you who is ‘missing’ a hand – he doesn’t put on Tefillin, he’s ‘missing’ a foot – he doesn’t go to synagogue… To that Jew you need to have a deeper love, because he is lacking… the more he’s lacking the greater your love has to be to that Jew.’”

Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe Rabbi Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson love every Jew, non observant, love him/her more bum, dropout, Moshiach now - הרבי מליבאוויטש חב"ד הרב מנחם מענדל שניאורסאן, צריך לאהוב כל יהודי, חילוני, אינו שומר תורה ומצות – האהבה אליו צריך להיות גדול יותר, הורים שיש להם ילד עם בעיה רפואית, אבא אמה אוהבית אותו יותר כי חסר לו, ליובביץ, משיח עכשיו, 770

I Am Only a Transmitter

Judge Joseph Fisch
July 1, 1990

Excerpt –

Rebbe: “…and go from strength to strength, that all your judgments will be only in a preventive manner – not to punish someone, but to prevent someone from doing something that is wrong.”

Mr. Fisch: “You know Rebbe that in my courtroom, G-d willing, the inspiration of Lubavitch will always be present.”

Rebbe: “That is the inspiration of G-d Almighty, I am only a transmitter – trying to transmit without any changes.”

Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe Rabbi Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson tells a judge that his rulings should be preventive, not to punish. it’s not my inspiration, is the inspiration of God Almighty, I am only a transmitter, without any changes, 770, Moshiach now, judicial justice, law


Energy Independence

The Lubavitcher Rebbe calls on the united states to become energy independent and not rely on sources of energy from hostile countries and dictatorships

America’s Mandate: Energy Independence – Part 1

11 Nissan, 5741 • April 15, 1981
“Evil will come from the north.” The Soviet Union is a clear manifestation of this prophecy. At the same time, G-d bestowed the United States with the mission and the moral and material might to counter this evil. To succeed, however, America must be free of economic pressure from immoral dictatorships. If we rely on them for oil, this nation’s strength and influence is compromised.

"G-d would never allow America to be manipulated by small hostile states simply because they have some natural resource. America need only leverage its ability to produce domestic oil, which, in truth, it does have in abundance.

"This is not in order to wield US strength, or increase US power. G-d placed these resources in this nation’s soil, only so that, ultimately, it will be able to spread Torah’s justice throughout the world."

America’s Mandate: Energy Independence – Part 2

11 Nissan, 5741 • April 15, 1981
"There is a solution to America’s energy crisis: Solar Energy. Solar technology requires far less time to develop than other energy sources.

"What can a small group of Jews accomplish by discussing this issue amongst themselves? Maimonides rules that even a single statement based on Torah, has the power to tip the scales for salvation. Past experiences have shown that issues discussed here, have reached Washington.

"When hostile nations can no longer use oil to manipulate US policy, America’s influence will increase, without having to use force. G-d has blessed this Nation of Kindness with plentiful sources of energy to accomplish a mission – to promote true goodness throughout the world."

Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe Rabbi Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson calls on USA to be energy independent and not bound, beholden by rouge dictators and regimes. Totalitarian, soviet, Arab oil, Drill for oil, coal, natural gas, develop ssolar energy, alternative energy, Black gold, green energy, independent, wind turbines, power factories with solar power abundance, global warming, climate change, 770, Moshiach now

Rebbe's Entire Existence - Torah

Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine - 1921

Yona Kese grew up in Dnepropetrovsk at the same time the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson was there. He was a writer, who later became a member in the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset.

Click here to watch video clip

Here is an excerpt:

The house was an authentic Chassidic home. His father was a great Torah scholar, the rabbi of the city, and he carried great influence on a large circle of Jews. We mustn’t forget this is the time of the Bolshevists, with the beginning of religious persecution. And he carried with strength and pride - his responsibility a Rav.

“I was witness to Mendel's [the Rebbe] great diligence in Torah study. Whenever I found him - he never studied sitting down; always standing. I remember, as well, that already then, he was well-versed in physics and mathematics. I even remember, although he was Orthodox, that he would be visited by students, and even professors, to consult with him on problems of physics and mathematics. Apparently already then, [the Rebbe was] an incredible combination of knowledge; obviously, expert in Talmud, Jewish Law, Chassidic philosophy, and also in basic, secular knowledge.

“I remember him as a very modest person, totally hidden. And his entire existence, I remember, was Torah..."

Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe as a youth, his whole existence was torah study. Was consulted by students and professors in secular subjects. universityYkaterinoslav, Yekaterinoslav Shneorson -- הרבי מליובאוויטש חב"ד צעיר ב דנייפרופטרובסק ניקולאייב אוקראינה כל מציאותו הי' לימוד תורה, גם סטודנטים ופרופסורים נועדו איתו בקשר לפיסיקה ומטימטיקה, כל פעם שפגשתי אותו למד תורה בעמידה


Daily Talmud Class

On January 30, 1933 Hitler was elected the German Chancellor. For a couple who was foreign and Jewish, it was time to get out of Germany. The Rebbe and his wife Chaya Mushka moved to Paris, where the Rebbe continued his studies at the University for Polytechnic at Mont Rouge and the prestigious University of Paris, known as “the Sorbonne.” David Fakler studied with the Rebbe.

Click to watch video

“The Rebbe gave a daily shiur (torah class) in Gemara. Everyone, even very secular Jews were drawn to the ‘Lubavitcher’, as the Rebbe was known at the time. When they spoke of him, they would say: “oh, the Lubavitcher - a unique man. He is not like all the other rabbis, people are drawn to him.””

Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson in Paris gives daily shiur in Talmud Pletzel 25 Rue des Rosiers הרבי מליובאוויטש בפריז צרפת נותן שיעור גמרא (תלמוד) בכל יום פלעצל

True Love

The Meaning of Love

The Rebbe explains the true meaning of love to a young woman beginning to date. Not the stuff of novels and stormy passion - Chana Sharfstein

“…Then, to my great surprise, the Rebbe asked me about my very personal plans, about marraige. I told him that I had met several young men, but I had not met someone I wanted to marry. The Rebbe smiled broadly and asked my opinion about a specific young man. I swallowed hard. I could not believe it, but the question concerned a young man I had recently met. The Rebbe then asked about another young man I had gone out with, and a third, and I was totally overwhelmed. The Rebbe apparently knew everything about my life, certainly this aspect. I just shook my head and blushingly explained why each one was not the right one for me.

“Love, he explained to me, is not that which is portrayed in romantic novels. It isn't that overwhelming, blinding emotion that is portrayed in a romance. These books do not portray real life, he said. It is a fantasy world, a make-believe world with made-up emotions. Fiction is just that--fiction--but real life is different. And then, as a father to a daughter, he began to explain to me the meaning of real love.

“Love, he told me, is an emotion that increases in strength throughout life. It is sharing and caring, and respecting one another. It is building a life together, a unit of family and home. The love that you feel as a young bride, he continued, is only the beginning of real love. It is through the small, everyday acts of living together that love flourishes and grows. And so, he continued, the love you feel after five years or ten years is a gradual strengthening of bonds. As two lives unite to form one, with time, one reaches a point where each partner feels a part of the other, where each partner no longer can visualize life without his mate by his side.

“Smilingly he told me to put aside my romantic notions developed by my literary involvement, and view love and marriage in a meaningful way.

“I walked out of the Rebbe's office with a huge smile on my face. The Rebbe knew how to communicate with a dreamy young girl. He knew what to say and how to say it. His words, spoken from the heart, reverberated within my heart.”


Tzomah Lcha Nafshi

The Rebbe sings Tzomah Lcha Nafshi

"My soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You; as one in a desolate and dry land without water, so I thirst to behold You in the Sanctuary, to behold Your might and glory." (Psalms 63:2, 3). This song was first taught by the Rebbe on 28 Nissan, 5714 - 1954.

Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn sings soul-stirring song Tzama Lecha nafshi Tzama Lecha Nafshi צמאה לך נפשי צמא לך בשרי בארץ ציא ועיף בלי מים כן בקודש חזיתיך ליראות עוזך וכבודך

Rebbe Crosses Boarder Illegally

After escaping Nazi-occupied Paris, the Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson spent many perilous months in Vichy, France.

The holiday of Sukos was approaching, and the next worry was how to obtain the items necessary for the holiday mitzvos (precepts). The Chabad custom dating back to the first Rebbe is to specifically use an Esrog from the region of Calabria in Italy. Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Rubenstein, a prominent Rabbi from Paris was also in Nice at that time.

“Rabbi Rubinstein told me, that the [Lubavitcher] Rebbe wanted to cross the border from France to Italy. In general, every Jew had to be ‘invisible.’ but to cross the border was an unthinkable danger. So the Rebbe asked Rabbi Rubinstein, if from the standpoint of Jewish law it was permissible to risk his life by crossing the border illegally, to acquire an Esrog from Calabira, Italy.

“Rabbi Rubinstein answered, of course, that it was out of the question; he would have to suffice with a regular Esrog... Not long after, the Rebbe disappeared for a few days. It came to light that he had indeed made his way across the border. When the Rebbe returned, his face was beaming, as he arrived with Esrog in hand. The Rebbe was very happy to enable the Jews in Vichy to fulfill the Mitzvah at its best, according to this exeptional custom.”

During world war II the Chabad, Lubavitcher Rebbe makes a dangerous, move to illegally cross boarder from Vichy, France to Italy to get an Esrog from Calabira, Mesiras Nefesh for a custom, Minhag, mesirat nefesh

Berlin Made No Impression on Rebbe

Berlin, Germany 1928 – 1932
Rabbi Sholom Kovalski tells of taking Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik to visit the Rebbe in 1964. During the drive home, Rav Soloveitchik shared some personal recollections of the Rebbe, from their time together in Berlin

...The journey from Yeshiva University to Crown Heights took over an hour, affording me lots of time to discuss the Lubavitcher Rebbe with the Rav [Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik]. During the discussion, I asked the Rav to tell me about the Rebbe as a person, his imposing character, his personality, his great Torah scholarship, as well as his relationship with him.

The Rav told me that he was a great admirer of the Rebbe. He said that their relationship began when they met in Berlin where they were both studying at the University of Berlin. During that period, they would often meet at the home of the Torah scholar Rabbi Chaim Heller. It was in the course of these meetings that a strong friendship developed between the two men, both of whom were destined to become outstanding spiritual leaders of the century.

The Rav recalled that the Rebbe always carried the key to the mikvah (ritual pool) with him when he attended lectures at the university. "At about two or three o'clock every afternoon when he left the university he would go straight to the mikvah. No one was aware of this custom and I only learnt about it by chance," the Rav said.

"On another occasion, I offered the Rebbe a drink. The Rebbe refused. When I started pressuring him I understood that he was fasting that day. It was Monday and the Rebbe was fasting.

"Imagine that," Rabbi Soloveitchik said to me, "a Berlin University student immersed in secular studies maintains this custom of mikvah and fasting!

"Studying together with us in the university at the time were other Jewish students from other communities. Some of them are considered today to be famous Torah giants. In the university they behaved the same way as other university students, but the Rebbe behaved like a Jew from Warsaw or from Russia. Berlin made absolutely no impression upon him at all.

"This made a huge impression on me. Additionally, the Rebbe had an amazing memory." The Rav described the Rebbe's memory as "gevaldig" (astounding). "In all my life, I never encountered someone with such a memory."

..."The Rebbe was very hidden." I want you to know that Rav Soloveitchik couldn’t get over how hidden, how quiet, the Rebbe was. "Very few people knew who he was; very few people knew who he came from."

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Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson university student in Berlin Germany went to the mikva every day. He lived like in a Jewish community in Poland Berlin made absolutely no impression upon him at all unlike other future famous torah giants who acted like the other students. Beard, yarmulke, kippa

Purim in Berlin

Berlin, Germany circa 1930
Rabbi Chaim Ciment shares a few stories he heard from Rabbi Joseph Ber Soloveitchik about his days together with the Rebbe in Berlin

“...I took the opportunity to ask him ‘Rav Soloveitchik, you were with the Rebbe in Berlin, tell us something about your time together.’

So he says: “One thing I can tell you: the Rebbe had only two things on his mind, Torah and Mikvah, in Berlin!, How so?

“Torah: Even in the university, when the professor was lecturing, the Rebbe would always go with a Torah book in his hand. When the professor was lecturing, the Rebbe would listen, hear what the professor was saying, then he finished listening, he had heard it, so he stopped listening and took out a Torah book. The professor noticed that he is not listening so he was disturbed, he calls upon him, 'Shneerson! Maybe you can repeat what I just lectured?'. The Rebbe stood up and said it over word by word. Since then, the professor never bothered him.

“Mikva: In Berlin, the Rebbe managed to get the key to the Mikvah, every day he would go to the Mikvah, he never failed. Mikva & Torah were foremost in his mind wherever he went.” That's what Rabbi Soloveitchik said.

“ came Purim, apparently the Rebbe had fulfilled the Mitzvah to drink, on campus in the middle of the night, he goes out, gets up on a chair, the students are around... He starts lecturing about Purim, a whole sermon about Purim and the observance of the day. In Berlin you have to have a license to preach. So the police came . . they put him in prison. They fond out who his friends were, so they called me up . . I went to the police and explained, ‘Today is a holiday, he meant no harm...’ So they let him out.

“When we went out, I said to the Rebbe: I prophesize that one day you will be a Rebbe. Why? Your grandfather was in prison - the Alter Rebbe, your father-in-law was in prison, and now you were in prison. You're going to be a Rebbe one day!”…

While studying in university as a student Berlin, Germany the Chabad Lubavitcher rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson had only two things that were foremost on his mind study torah & going to Mikva every day and wherever he went. Purim the rebbe lectured to students on campus without a license to preach and was arrested I predicted at the time that one day he would become rebbe. moshiach now

The Rebbe to CNN

The Rebbe's message to the world about Moshiach

On October 20 1991 Mr. Gary Tochman, a CNN Corresponent askes the Lubavitcher Rebbe: “Rebbe, can you tell us the message you have for the world about Moshiach? The message you have for the whole world about the Moshiach”.

“It was printed in all the press of all the countries; Moshiach is ready to come now, it is only on our part to do something additional in the realm of goodness and kindness . . at least a little more then Moshiach will come immediately”.

“- give it to charity for Moshiach to come faster”.


Improving Israel's Military

"...I was active in the Poalei Aguda Yosrael here, we got a request from Tel Aviv' from the headquarters, to go to the Lubavitcher Rebbe for advice and for a request... it had to do with elections there. The first time, we were there almost three hours .. In the delegation there was a guy who was a major in the Haganah, the Israeli Army - a tall guy, he came in military uniform, with an Israeli beret . . when we came it, he [the Rebbe] told us to sit down. The Rebbe started talking, he started asking question, before we even could ask about what we came for... And he focused on that major, Rolly Greisman was his name - a German Jew, tall, 6'3". The conversation with him took probably to and a half hours. It all centered . . only about the Army. He interrogated him about life in the IDF.

"In the beginning, the Rebbe asked him about cultural activities in the Army. But then, the Rebbe switched subjects, he started talking about military matters. "Which machine gun do they use?" They had the Thompson machine gun at that time, American surplus from the Second World War. "Why don’t you buy the machine gun from Sweden?". "Why, what's wrong with this one?" "The Thompson gun shoots x bullets per minute and the Swedish one shoots more bullets per minute... and it has a greater velocity also." "Alright".

Then the Rebbe asked about the tanks, the armored cars, how heavy were the protective steel plates on the sides. So he explained it to him, that the light ones are, let's say and inch; the others are two inches... "Are they straight or are they curved? Are they bent inwards or upwards?" He himself didn't remember. He said, "The curves I didn't see." "Why don't they use heavier steel plates?" "I don't know either." The Rebbe said, "I don't understand it!"...

For two hours, he went through all the armaments, the infantry, the armored troops, the paratroopers... - every single detail, and he [the Rebbe] had questions on everything. When we walked out Rolley said, "I've never seed such a thing! We don't even have in the IDF anybody who knows everything. Certain people know their part . . but never one who knows everything." He couldn't believe it."

The Lubavitcher Rebbe goes into great detail about every aspect of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), and gives ideas of how to improve many things

Prisoners are Worthy of Respect

On the weekend after Shavuos 5745, the Aleph Institute organized a two-week Torah Study Retreat in Crown Heights for Jews in federal prisons.

in the program was participation in the Rebbe's farbrengen (public gathering) on Shabbos afternoon.

Shortly before the farbrengen, Rabbi Leibl Groner, the Rebbe's secretary, came looking for the institute's director, Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar. "The Rebbe has asked," Rabbi Groner told him, "that the prisoners not be seated together at the farbrengen, but be interspersed among the crowd."

Rabbi Lipskar looked at him quizzically; he had reserved seating in one area, and re-seating the participants would involve considerable adjustments. Rabbi Groner, however, proceeded to explain the Rebbe's reason. If they are seated together, the Rebbe had said, people will ask who they are. It will be said that they are prisoners, and this will be embarrassing to them. To prevent this from happening, they should be seated separately.

The Rebbe also explained that although at the end of the farbrengen he would be distributing bottles of mashkeh, he would not give a bottle to this group, although they were most deserving of this extra concern. This would attract attention, and their identity would be revealed. Rather than risk causing them embarrassment, the Rebbe preferred not to give them mashkeh. Instead, the Rebbe raised their spirits by including in that farbrengen an extraordinarily forward-looking dissertation concerning prisoners.

The Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson shows great sensitivity to the dignity, feelings & respect of Jewish federal prisoners visiting him in 770, taking great pains to insure that no negative attention is drawn to them, that they shouldn't be embarrassed

The Rebbe Didn’t Change

While living in Berlin, Germany in 1928 the Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe made the acquaintance of a Jewish businessman named Yitzchok Meir Ferstenberg. Rabbi Chazkel Besser of Agudas Yisrael of America later heard these recollections from Yitzchok Meir

Here is a small excerpt:

“While we talked one time, he [Ferstenberg] mentioned he knew the Lubavitcher Rebbe from Berlin . . the Rebbe was a student at the university . . he was very impressed. For me it meant a lot, because he [Ferstenberg] generally was a critic. I very rarely heard from Itche Meir, praise about someone; rather the negative side. And over here, he was full of praise.

“He told me, by the way, “the Rebbe never changed. He always wore a hat or a beret or something,” which in Germany was unusual. Here [in the USA] you don’t understand, but in Berlin, in Germany, you couldn’t enter a bank without taking off your hat, or go to a drug store – you had to take off your hat - They would tell you that you have to do it – And he [ the Rebbe] had a beard, uncut, untouched. But that was not the greatness for him to tell of the Rebbe, that he did have a beard. He saw more in the Rebbe then these trivialities….”

The Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Rebbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson didn't change since the time I knew him in Berlin, Germany around 1929. He had a untouched uncut beard, always covered his head - this was unheard of in Berlin at the time One had to remove their kipa, yarmulke, hat, head covering when walking into many important places, I saw that the Rebbe never removed his hat, Kippah, Deutsch

The Rebbe in Berlin, Germany

Studying in Berlin, Germany in 1929 at the same time with the Lubavitcher Rebbe was Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveichik. Over the years, Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Talmidim heard vignettes of the relationship. Here’s a part of the interview with Rabbi Fabian Schoenfeld, Former President of the Rabbinical Council of America

"...I consider myself, B’chasdey Hashem lucky, that I was able to be with the Rav literally, for over fifty years, just about, until the day of his passing. The Rav was Zt"l was a student at University in Berlin and I think this is where the Rebbe and the Rav met.

"He [Rabbi Soloveicthik] told us, "I remember him [the Lubavitcher Rebbe] from Berlin That he never missed going to the Mikva a single day during the time he was in Berlin." Lets face it, going to Mikva every day is not exactly in the textbooks of the Brisker dynasty, but the Rav was impressed by it; Here’s a young man – university, college, lectures, professors – he was able to separate this. So every morning he went to the Mikva, that’s what the Rav said. I remember his exact words: "I can testify, he never missed going to the Mikva, one single day.""

While studying in university as a student Berlin, Germany the Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson went to the Mikva every day Also: Mr. Julius Berman & Rabbi Menachem Genack. Moshiach Now